Say Watt Robotics

Special Thanks to our new sponsor - MARLABS INC. - for providing us a great meeting place.:

​1 Corporate Place South
Piscataway, NJ


See Season History (2019 - 2020) For Our Results

Every Friday - Meeting 6 - 9PM 
Every Saturday (unless competing) - Meeting 3 - 9PM​
Additional Meetings As Requested by Team Members.

2/29 - 3/1 - PA State Championship (QUALIFIED)

Red Lion Area Senior High School
200 Horace Mann Ave
Red Lion, PA 17356

Note: The team will be staying on Saturday night (2/29) at:
Hampton Inn Shrewsbury
1000 Far Hills Dr.
New Freedom, PA 17349

3/15 - NJ State Tournament (QUALIFIED)

​March 15, 2020: FIRST Tech Challenge New Jersey State Championship
(The Garden State Rumble)

Columbia High School
17 Parker Avenue
Maplewood, New Jersey 07040 

Start Time: 8:00  am Check-In
End Time: 6:00 pm Event Completes

4/27/2020 - 5/2/2020 - Detroit World Championship (IF QUALIFY)